FAQs about drain systems and drain cleaning
Why is drain cleaning necessary?
Extreme weather conditions (heavy precipitation over a short period of time) during the growing season can have a direct negative impact on growth, crop development and yield. This is particularly true if compaction occurs (depending on the soil type).
This is an important consideration, helping to ensure quicker water drainage – outside of the growing season as well.
How often should drain pipes be cleaned?
Ferrous soils: ideally once a year. Sandy soils: every two to three years. Clay soils: every four to five years. Flooded plots or parts thereof: check drains during the growing season and clean, if necessary. It is important to avoid structural damage.
When is drain cleaning best carried out?
In the autumn, winter and early spring. Soil deposits (and the remains of roots, if applicable) are more easily dislodged and flushed out at these times of the year.
What are the most important parts of a drain cleaner?
The drain cleaner is built onto a frame with the following attached:
- The hose reel (these days often as long as 500 metres)
- The water pump
- The hose guide (hydraulic swivel function in height and width)
- The drive rollers for the hose infeed (often with four-wheel drive with two hydraulic motors)
The hose guide ends in a rotating bend. The outflow of the hose guide (hydraulically operated) is positioned in front of the end pipe. The hose infeed is stabilised in the ditch by a steel ground stake.
Which parts of the drain cleaner are key to determining operational reliability?
- A sturdy frame
- The driveline including the PTO
- The piston diaphragm pump, ideally positioned in line with the PTO drive
- The suction filter (fitted in front of the diaphragm pump) must be properly adjusted to the water volume (l/min.)
- The hydraulic motors
- The four-wheel drive for the hose (to prevent the hose from slipping)
- The choice of material for the cleaning nozzle (a high-quality wear-resistant steel is important)
What is the optimal volume of water for drain cleaning?
In drain cleaning, flushing is more important than spraying the drains. At least 70 litres of water per minute are required for thorough flushing, although a larger quantity of water per minute is recommended.
What is the optimal operating pressure of the cleaning nozzle?
10 bar at the cleaning nozzle is sufficient. A higher operating pressure may cause damage to the drain pipe.
What tractor power is required for drain cleaning?
In many cases, agricultural tractors can supply sufficient power at idle speed. A PTO speed of 540 rpm is enough for a delivery of 70 lit./min. of water. In that case, the pump has a capacity of approx. 140 lit./min. In addition, the tractor supplies a limited amount of hydraulic power to drive the hydraulic motors on the drain cleaner.
What does the drain cleaner do in the event of clogging?
In the event of resistance in the drain pipe, the infeed speed of the hose will fall or stop. At that point, more intensive flushing will take place in order to remove the contaminated water quickly. This is important to ensure that the pressure in the drain cannot increase any further. Depending on the brand, the infeed speed in the event of clogging is set mechanically rather than with the software.
Which cleaning nozzles are most suitable?
A number of different cleaning nozzles are available, adjusted to such variables as the degree of clogging (or contamination) and soil type. Cleaning nozzles can be ordered directly from Sieger. Specific application of this cleaning nozzle is also detailed here.
A number of different cleaning nozzles are adjusted to the diameter of the drain pipe – this also applies to larger diameters, such as from 60 mm, from 100 mm and from 125 mm.